A research project by Christoph Frick and KLARA-Theaterproduktionen on the prison of the same name in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
FITCRUZ - Festival Internacional de Teatro, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (BOL)
South American premiere, 27.04. I 28.04.2019
Kaserne Basel (CH)
European premiere, 11.10. | 12.10. | 13.10. | 14.10. | 15.10.2019
Theater Tuchlaube Aarau, (CH)
16.10. | 18.10. | 19.10.2019
CCP - Centro de la Cultura Plurinacional, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (BOL)
11.12. I 12.12.2021
28.01. I 29.01. I 30.01.2022
04.02. I 05.02. I 06.02.2022
mARTadero (BOL)
02.05. I 03.05.2022
FITAZ - Festival Internacional de Teatro de La Paz (BOL)
07. I 08.05.2022
FIBA - Festival Internacional Buenos Aires (AR)
03.03. I 04.03. I 05.03.2023
FITT - Festival Internacional de Teatro de Tarragona (ES)
31.08. l 01.09.2023
Festival Mirada, Santos, São Paolo (BRA)
12. I 13.09.2024
Festival BITEF, Belgrade (SRB)
01. I 02.10.2024
11. I 12.10.2024
Rigorous and obsessive research resulted in one of the best plays staged in Bolivia in recent years.
Rocío Lloret Céspedes, La Region, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
The play experimentally runs through the excesses of violence in this unique prison. Palmasola is both the rule and the exception; a mystery that every inmate must explore as quickly as possible if they want to survive.
All this is meticulously condensed in Christoph Frick's production: The documentary is paired with magical-realistic elements. "Palmasola" is also an aesthetic concentrate of Latin America - a miniature in which dream worlds, violence and thus nightmares form a strange symbiosis.
Hugo Velarde, Theater der Zeit
PALMASOLA exposes us to an intense urban portrait the great quality of which is not to show a distant world on stage, but simply a model for society.
Maximilian Hanisch for Schweizer Theatertreffen.
A ride through hell .
Andreas Klaeui – theater heute
Palmasola Prison in Santa Cruz de la Sierra is a walled shack settlement built in the late 1980s. It is currently inhabited by about 7238 men and women, of whom only 30% have been convicted. All the others are in a kind of preventative detention.
Palmasola has reliably occupied a top position in the cynical ranking of the "toughest prisons" in the world for years. In Palmasola no cells are provided by the state, so the inmates must rent, buy or build their accommodation, sometimes even fight for it. The range extends from overcrowded mass camps to comfortable accommodation with domestic servants for the wealthy and gang leaders. However, the prison is not a lawless space, it's just that the rules and laws that apply inside are different from the ones in the "normal world" outside.
The research
The theatre project is based on several years of research. The team of the theatre production "Palmasola" is the only group so far that has been able to spend several days inside Palmasola making video and audio recordings with an array of equipment. The stories and information for the production were gathered from interviews with prisoners, lawyers, representatives of the prison government and the police, but above all through the theatre and video workshops with the prisoners.
The performance tells of everyday life and the excesses of violence in prison. Through the fate of a newly imprisoned "gringo", a Swiss man arrested for cocaine smuggling, the audience learns about the mental and physical survival strategies of the inmates and the merciless rules of the prison.
Conflicts between detainees and the police escalate. When the military police intervene, civil war-like conditions ensue.
Numerous inmates are killed or wounded.
Palmasola seems like a large-scale, neoliberal experimental institution in which research is carried out to find out who prevails by what means under the most adverse social circumstances.
Are friendships and empathy even possible in such a system? And to what extent is the structure of Palmasola perhaps only an intensified version of our society outside as we kno it?
With: Jorge Antonio Arias Cortez, Omar Callisaya Callisaya, Nicola Fritzen, Mario Tadeo Urzagaste Galarza
Directed and set design by: Christoph Frick
Dramaturgy: Carolin Hochleichter und Jhonnatan Torrez
Video: David Campesino
Music: Bo Wiget und andere
Technical Director: Lorenzo Ariel Muñoz
Managment, Difussion: David Berga, Lorenzo Ariel Muñoz
Revista de prensa / Pressespiegel
Revista de prensa/Pressespiegel 2019-2022
Articles, Critics, Interviews
El Deber Radio Christoph Frick
Maggy Talavera Christoph Frick
El Deber Radio Marioly Urzagaste, Omar Callisaya, Jorge Antonio Arias, Nicola Fritzen
Ministerio de Culturas y Turismo - Unidad Regional Santa Cruz
Abya Yala Culturas Jhonnatan Torrez
Deutschlandfunk Kultur Kompressor
Opinion (2)
Pagina 7 (2)
Piedra Papel y Agua (ab Minute 18:50)
Co-produced by:
Supported by: